5. Menu - Services

“Services” entry consists of the following sub-menu entries/pages:

Windows Screen Sharing Service Management:

The SMB/CIFS Submenu allows access to settings in order to manage sharing on Windows-based systems. All Logical Volumes created on EliteNAS are automatically enabled for SMB/CIFS Service.

Service Control

Enable SMB/CIFS Service

  1. Check “Enable SMB/CIFS Service” option box.
  2. Click “Apply” to save changes.

Note: SMB/CIFS Service must be enabled for EliteNAS to share files on Windows-based systems.

Disable SMB/CIFS Service

1. Uncheck “Enable SMB/CIFS Service” option box.

2.Click “Apply” to save changes

5.1.1 Advanced

The “Advanced” button brings up additional options.

Advanced Options:

Recycle Bin

By checking this option box, the Recycle Bin function for SMB/CIFS client is enabled.

Keep Tree

This option specifies if a directory structure should be kept, or if deleted files should be categorized separately in the recycle bin.


This option lets two files with the same name exist simultaneously in the Recycle Bin. The newer file will be titled “Copy #x of ‘file name.’”

Recycle Bin Text Box

This box defined where deleted files will be saved.

Note: Even if recycle bin is enabled (default “.recycle”), files will not be saved unless the proper command is entered.

To save files to users recycle bin, manually enter ‘Recycle.%U” in the text box. User deleted files will be saved in the format “recycle.user#.” For example: User 1 deleted files will be saved in “recycle.user1.”

Unix Extensions

Unix file extensions allow user to support features such as: symbolic links, hard links, ect. This feature is enabled by default.

Important : On Mac OS 10.4.x and later versions, this feature must be turned off to avoid “ file access permission” issues on Mac clients running SMB protocol.

Null Password

This option allows SMB clients to log on without a password.


In the case of an audit log being greater than 10MB in size, it will be renamed “audit.log.1.” and begin looping to “audit.log.”


The number entered into this text box dictates on how many rotations will be saved. For example, entering 4 into the box will result in log files being generated up to “audit.log.4.” Then the program will begin to overwrite “audit.log.1.”

Important: Changes in settings will not be saved unless the “Apply” button is clicked.



To disable a share, click the “disable button.” This will change the status column to show “disabled”


To delete a share, click the “delete button,” the share will no longer show on the “shares screen”


This button opens a menu where you can edit what is shared with each user.


Path lists the full path/location of a share.


The text box allows you to name a share. There is also a check option box that lets you enable/disable the share.


This text box shows the description given to the share when created.

Group/User List

This window shows available Groups and Users that can be assigned access to certain shares.


This text box allows one to search for a specific Group or User.


Use this option to assign share access rights to selected users. Use the “Add” Button to apply permission to a group/user.


Use this setting to apply ACL’s, permissions, owner and group properties to sub-folders and files created using the Inheritance option.

DFS Root

This option generates links on the Access Control Page for DFS Targets. Enables multiple NAS Aggregation for SMB/CIFS clients.

File Permission Mask

Sets default permissions for all files created after File Permission Mask option has been enabled.

Directory Permission Mask

The Directory Permission mask sets default permissions to all directories and/or folders created after enabling this option

File and Directory Mask Formats

A code is used with this format “0” followed by 3 numbers. (0XXX).

The first X refers to the owner of the file/directory.

The Second X refers to the group assigned to the file/directory

The third X refers to other users assigned to the file/directory

These numbers “X” Can take a total of 6 values.

4- Read Only

2- Write Only

1—Execute Only

5 (4+1) Read and Execute Only

6 (4+2) Read and Write Only

7 (4+2+1) Read, Execute, and Write



Owner has all rights

Group assigned can read only

Other groups can write only

Opportunistic Locks

This option is used to improve performance when multiple people or devices are accessing the same file on one network.

Note: This option is enabled by default.

Store DOS Attributes

Enable this option in order to run legacy MS DOS based programs.

Hide Files

Use this field to manually hide files on a share.

Host IP Blocking

This option is used to give permission or to deny access towards certain hosts, or range of hosts.


This option allows you to list all users who are allowed to access a share. All others will be denied access.


This option allows you to list all users who are not allowed access to the share. Those who are not listed will be granted access.

This submenu houses the settings to control client access via the NFS Protocol

Enable Service

This option enables NFS service.

Number of Daemons

Enter the correct number of Daemons


Path - shows the path/location of directory.

Options - Shows permissions set to each directory.

Status - Shows whether a NFS service is enabled.

Control - Use these controls to enable, disable, or to delete NFS shares.

5.2.1 Edit NFS Access Controls

Machine Name

Sets NFS Export Name

General Options

Read Only - Limits users from writing new data or changing existing data.

Secure - Requires requests to be made on internet ports less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). To turn off this feature, check “Insecure Locks.” This must be disabled for access on Macintosh.

Async - This option allows NFS server to violate NFS protocol and reply to requests before the disk commits said request. This option usually is correlated with an increase in performance but can also cost data lost in the event of a hard server crash.

No ACL - On systems that do support ACLs, this option tells nfsd not to reveal ACLs to clients.

Note: No ACL option only has an effect when the system is patched to support ACLs. Safe for use by NFSv2 and NFSv3 clients.

Subtree check - this option enables or disables subtree checking. Although there are some security implications involved, reliability can improve in certain cases. This refers to the extra step that the server must take to check not only the accessed file, but also the exported tree.

Insecure Locks - This option tells the NFS Server to not require authentication of locking requests. No access checks will be performed if this option is selected.

Root Squash - Maps requests between the UID/GID 0 and the anonymous UID/GID.

All Squash - Maps everything between UID/GID 0 and anonymous user.

Anonuid and Anongid - Explicitly set the uid and gid of anonymous user. Usually this feature is used if one wants all users accessing to seem like 1 user.

The Apple Filing Protocol (AFP)

Use this sub-menu to access the control panel to manage client access to the Apple Talk Service.


Use this function to set the location of the share.


Use this function to name the share. The adjacent option box enables or disables the share.

Assigned Users

This window displays users who have been granted access to the share.

User/Group List & Permissions

This window displays all available users who can be granted access to the share. To grant a user access, click on their name and chose an option of: “Read/Write, Read Only, or Deny.” To save change, click “add.”


Drop down bar

None-No changes will be made

Tolower- forces all names to be lower case for both directions of the share.

Toupper- forces all names to be upper case for both directions of the share.

Xlatelower- AFP client sees lower case and client sees upper case

Xlateupper- AFP client sees upper case and client sees lower case

Mswindows- checking this option box improves performance for Windows NT, 2000 and 2003 systems.

Prodos- This function improves communication with Legacy Apple II OS.

CRLF Conversion- This feature converts line feeds and carriage returns from UNIX to Windows and AFP compatible formats.

Read Only- This option forces read only communication

Nohex- This option disables hex translations for all files but DOT files

Usedots- This option shows file names with configurations that begin with “.”

Limitsize- This option limits each file to a 2GB maximum.

File/Directory Permissions Set- Sets default permissions for users accessing files via: AFP.

Follow this format:

A code is used with this format “0” followed by 3 numbers. (0XXX).

The first X refers to the owner of the file/directory.

The Second X refers to the group assigned to the file/directory

The third X refers to other users assigned to the file/directory

These numbers “X” Can take a total of 6 values.

4- Read Only

2- Write Only

1—Execute Only

5 (4+1) Read and Execute Only

6 (4+2) Read and Write Only

7 (4+2+1) Read, Execute, and Write



Owner has all rights

Group assigned can read only

Other groups can write only

This sub menu displays the settings to enable/disable access via iSCSI.

Enable Service

This option box enables iSCSI service when checked.

Target IQN

Shows the IQN of iSCSI target.

Node ID

Up to 8 digits, used to avoid having the same ID generated by VMWare ESX hosts when multiple EliteNAS systems are used on the same network.

CHAP Configuration

User Name: Enter the desired user name.

Password: Enter the desired password, re-enter in the second text box to confirm correct password.

Outgoing: Use this feature for mutual CHAP authentication.

Add: Saves changes of CHAP.

Add iSCSI Target

This feature is used to create a new iSCSI target IQN.

To add iSCSI target:

1.Click “Advanced” to open “add iSCSI” option.

2.Copy “iSCSI Target IQN.”

3.Paste “iSCSI Target IQN” into “Add iSCSI Target” Text box

4.Enter a name after the IQN Target (ie. iqn.2006-05.com.nas:storage:backup)

5.Click “Add” to save changes.


Use this function to restart SCST services. This helps restore connection with existing iSCSI targets.


Enable/Disable- used to grant/prevent access to iSCSI Target

Edit- Use this function to edit iSCSI target functions:. IQN Name, IQN Description, CHAP controls, Host IP Block, and Logical Volumes Assignments.

Edit LUNS- Used to manage block-type logical volume access via iSCSI Target


  1. Target- shows iSCSI Target selected for editing.
  2. Options- Grants permission to write or read only.
  3. Access Control- Used to add/delete initiators from EliteNAS.
  4. Volumes- displays current Logical Volumes assigned to this target.
  5. Logical Volumes- To add LUN, enter a LUN number and click “add.” Entry will now be visible on the “Volumes” box.

This sub-menu displays the settings to configure EliteNAS to replicate to another remote EliteNAS system.

5.5.1 Adding a new Replication Schedule

  1. Click “add” button to access the Replication Schedule editor screen.
  2. Name- Set name for replication job.
  3. Source- click “browse” to find source volume.
  4. Target- click “browse” to find target volume.
  5. Enable the “Enable Replication Scheduling” option.
  6. Enable the “Delete files on Target that no longer exist in Source” option
  7. Enable the “File Compression” option if so desired.
  8. Enable the “Full File Copy, No Incremental Checks” option if desired.
  9. Enter a value for bandwidth limitation if so desired.
  10. Enter the number of revisions desired.
  11. Set desired Replication Schedule
  12. Click “save” to apply changes.

This sub menu allows for managing of scheduled snapshot services.

5.6.1 Adding new Snapshot Schedule

  1. Snapshot Name- Enter desired name of snapshot schedule.
  2. Volume List- Select the desired volume from the drop down menu.
  3. Description- Enter a description for the snapshot schedule to aid in identification.
  4. Size- Enter the desired snapshot size.
  5. Frequency- Set the desired frequency of snapshots.
  6. Click “Create” to save changes and add the new Snapshot schedule.

This sub menu houses the settings to control user access to shared file directories/ group permissions.

5.7.1 Edit

Use this button to open menu to configure user access controls.


Displays the user that is being edited.


Drop down menu that sets the owner of the share.


Drop down menu that sets a group to assign user to.

Search User/Group

Feature used to search for a specific user or group.


Used to set certain permissions granted to owner, group, others, or sticky.

Apply to all sub directories and files

Used to chose whom is affected by changes in settings.

Assigned users

This window displays all users assigned.

Group/User List

This window displays each user and group.


Used to set permissions for slected users or groups.

This page displays the settings to manage tape backups.


Enter desired name of backup policy.


Select the source directory


Select device where backup will be written.

Software Compression

Enable this option to turn on software compression.

Hardware Compression

Enable this option to turn on hardware compression


Set the desired schedule of backup frequency.


Select service provider for Cloud Backup service


Enter the desired name of the backup.

Source Directory

Choose a source directory from the browse list.

Target Directory

Choose a target directory from the browse list.

Delete deleted files

Checking this option box deletes files that have been deleted.


Enter number of checkers to run in parallel.


Enter number of file transfers to run in parallel.


Check this option box to enable cloud backup scheduling.

Enter schedule desired for cloud backup.